Protection of Human Subjects
Fundamental Principles of Research Ethics
The fundamental principles of research ethics that require maximising potential benefits and minimising potential harm. The ethical conduct of research in the humanities and sciences is guided by these principles.
The researchers are expected to follow the following guidelines:
Dignity and Right of Research Participants
We are committed to upholding the dignity and rights of research participants, individuals or groups associated with the research, and the communities in which the research is conducted. We expect all individuals involved in research and publications, including authors, reviewers, and editorial members, to uphold these standards. In submitted manuscripts, authors should use inclusive, and non-stigmatizing language. Authors should avoid using stereotypes and cultural assumptions in their writing. We advise avoiding descriptors that refer to attributes such as race, ethnicity, national or social origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, political or other beliefs, age, disease, disability, and other group descriptors unless they are relevant. It is also necessary to respect the rights of non-human life, natural resources, and the environment.
Respect for Diversity
All research involving human subjects should respect the diversity of participants' backgrounds, values, beliefs, and cultures. Researchers should take appropriate measures to ensure that the research procedures and materials are accessible and understandable to all participants. Participants should have the right to express their opinions and concerns related to the research without discrimination or prejudices.
Protection from Harm
All research involving human subjects should prioritize the safety and well-being of participants. Researchers should use appropriate measures to minimize the risks and harms associated with the research procedures. Participants should have the right to report any adverse events or experiences related to their participation and receive appropriate support and care.
Studies involving Vulnerable Groups
The journal is committed to protecting the dignity and rights of research participants, particularly those who are considered vulnerable due to their age, mental or physical condition, or social circumstances. We require all research studies involving vulnerable groups to adhere to ethical principles, including obtaining informed consent. All kinds of personal data, like biological, clinical, and genetic data, need permission. If requested, consent must be supported up by documentation.
Images of Human Research Participants
Our journal recognizes the importance of respecting the privacy and dignity of human research participants when publishing images. All authors must obtain written consent from research participants before publishing any images that could identify them, including photographs, videos, and other visual materials. Images submitted without the consent of the participants or without protection of anonymity in the image may lead to the removal of the image from the manuscript.
Clinical Trials
The importance of clinical trials in advancing medical knowledge and improving patient care has been recognized by the journal. Before enrollment of any participants, the trial must be registered in the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP), in, or in any open access database. We require all clinical trials submitted for publication to adhere to ethical principles, including obtaining informed consent, protecting participant privacy and confidentiality, and minimizing harm and exploitation. Authors must follow international guidelines for reporting clinical trials, including the CONSORT Statement for reporting the findings. Nonadherence of these policies will be subject to appropriate actions, including revision or decline of submitted article and retraction of published articles.
Research involving Bio-material.
Our medical journal recognizes the importance of research involving biomaterials, including human tissues, cells, and fluids. We require all authors to follow the BRISQ reporting guidelines. The principles laid out in the 2016 ISSCR Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Clinical Applications of Stem Cells must be followed in any experiment involving any material related to human embryos, gametes, and stem cell. Any violations of these policies will be subject to appropriate actions, including retraction of published articles and revocation of privileges to submit, review, or edit manuscripts for our journal.
Misuse of Research Publication
Some manuscript includes information that, if misused, might seriously compromise public health, safety, or security. In such circumstances, researchers must adhere to the standards set out by their institutes. They should also adhere to the requirement of their financial supporters. Above all they must also adhere any applicable local, state, or national laws. They need to be alert to the potential for their research to be misused and to take measures to prevent this.
Approval of Ethical Committee
Authors must take approval of recognized ethics committee before initiation of data collection. In the submitted manuscript author should include the name of the committee and approval reference number and date of approval. Manuscripts must also mention about the detail process of obtaining inform consent from each of the research participants. In case the study doesn’t require to take informed consent, details of the ethics committee granting exemption of informed consent should be included in the manuscript.
Research involving Animal
Though the journal does not publish research involving animal, in case of any such remote involvement, relevant guideline must be abided.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement
Whatever kind of article you are submitting, remember that the language you use is important. We are committed to promoting equity throughout our publishing program, and we believe that using language is a simple and powerful way to ensure the communities we serve feel welcomed, respected, safe, and able to fully engage with the publishing process and our published content. Inclusive language considerations are especially important when discussing topics like age, appearance, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, emigration status, and weight. We have referenced an Inclusive Language Guide that recommends preferred terminology on these topics. We recognize that language is constantly evolving and we’re committed to ensuring that this guide is continuously updated to reflect changing practices. The guide isn't exhaustive, but we hope it serves as a helpful starting point.