Leading Publisher for Public Health Research

Welcome to our public health academic publishing agency, where we offer the opportunity to publish in our prestigious public health journals. Our journals are independently-owned agency, open-access, and undergo rigorous peer review before acceptance decision. As part of our commitment for excellence in scholarly research and visibility, we also offer professional editing services and access to a free public health knowledge-sharing.

four people watching on white MacBook on top of glass-top table
four people watching on white MacBook on top of glass-top table

Public HealthAcademic Publishing

Leading the way in public health research and scholarly publications.

three men facing woman while sitting in front of table
three men facing woman while sitting in front of table
woman in gray dress resting her hands on white table
woman in gray dress resting her hands on white table
woman sitting in front of computer monitor explaining something two man and woman beside her
woman sitting in front of computer monitor explaining something two man and woman beside her
man sight on white microscope
man sight on white microscope
man holding his chin facing laptop computer
man holding his chin facing laptop computer
person in black adidas cap sitting on bench writing on notebook
person in black adidas cap sitting on bench writing on notebook


Our publishing agency is located at at the heart of Silicon Valley in the Bay Area, California, home to cutting-edge public health research and practice.




Monday through Friday from 9am - 5pm Pacific Time